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You are here: Our School > Welcome


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Croeso i Ysgol Gynradd Clytha – Welcome to Clytha Primary School.

The Headteacher, Staff, Governors and Children are delighted to welcome you to our Clytha Primary School website.


As Headteacher, I am privileged to lead what we feel is ‘our village school in the city’ where we know each and every child and family well.   Our values of ‘honesty, kindness and respect’ are intrinsic to our ethos at Clytha. All are valued here.

Clytha Primary is a happy, inclusive and welcoming school. ESTYN recognised this in their latest inspection. They said ‘The school is a vibrant and embracing community, which fully realises its vision to nurture the talents of all its pupils and staff. The very high quality of care and support provided by staff successfully engenders strong shared values of tolerance, respect and inclusivity amongst all members of the ‘Clytha family’.


We proudly foster our ethos of ‘Clytha Family’ where a shared partnership between family and school helps our children to thrive and develop.


At Clytha, we focus on opportunities for our children to develop as Literate, Numerate and Digitally Competent learners and we embrace the development of our children as healthy, confident, ambitious, capable, creative, enterprising, ethical and informed, children with their eye on their world-children who are decent and responsible and on how we, as a school and as a community, can achieve this.


We have the highest of standards and expectations. We are categorised as a 1A Green School and our commitment to ensuring the very best for each and every child is what helps to ensure our continuing excellence. Creativity, collaboration, innovation and the development of independent learning are at our heart, as well as engaging and excelling in the core subjects. For a school with a very limited green space, we achieve highly in sporting events, both locally and nationally. We encourage musical involvement through our Choir and Orchestra as well as in lessons and our extra-curricular clubs change termly and offer a wide variety of opportunities to enhance our broad and balanced education for our children.


We believe in the importance of our Family and Community Engagement. There will be several opportunities to join us for workshops throughout the year and share ways to support your child in their learning. Effective Communication with our Clytha families is also essential. Talking to parents, reporting to parents, newsletters, school website, Twitter, the SEESAW app, consultations, meetings, visits, special 'events' and an open-school policy all contribute towards the development of a healthy, happy, home-school partnership that enhances life at school and the education of your child.

The purpose of this School Website is to provide comprehensive information concerning school, our organisation and a summary of all that we are about here at Clytha. We hope you will find it both useful and informative.


Jo Davies



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