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Digital Citizenship & Online Safety
At Clytha we want pupils to become digitally competent learners. Pupils will be taught skills to enable them to collaborate with others, be creative and to become digital citizens. Pupils will be encouraged to transfer their skills to all areas of their learning and to take responsibility for their digital footprint in school and at home.
There is a heavy emphasis on eSafety and it is taught throughout the school year. All pupils and staff have signed an acceptable use agreement to enable them to use technology responsibly.
Please find below a list of resources that will assist you in keeping your child safe on the internet. At Clytha Primary School we are committed to ensuring all children are well informed of the risks and can make the correct decisions to protect themselves.
[1] Hwb

Hwb give you a range of resources to support your child in staying safe online including links to many external websites.

The ‘thinkuknow’ website offers resources for children between 5 and 16 and also information for parent/carers. There are games and videos for the children to play that will get them thinking about internet safety issues.

The ‘kidsmart' website addresses a variety of e-safety issues including: mobiles, music, file sharing, social networking, chat, safe surfing and digital footprints.