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Schools are required to report if we believe that any child has come to harm as a consequence of possible abuse. Staff are well placed to observe outward signs of abuse, changes in behaviour or failure to develop. It is not the responsibility of any staff member to investigate suspected abuse – they merely record information and pass it on. The Headteacher is the Child Protection Designated Person in the school and is charged with the responsibility, if it is required, of referring on. There is a duty as a profession to act rather than have tragedies occur or abuse continue. Parental consent is not required to make a child protection referral. The safety and well-being of our children is always paramount.
We consider ourselves privileged and fortunate to enjoy a rich diversity of culture, race, religion and language in our school. Discrimination towards any child for whatever reason is not tolerated. We aim to learn, to understand, to share and to enjoy this rich diversity, and to raise awareness of and counter prejudice. We endeavour to prepare all pupils for life in a multicultural, multi-ethnic, multilingual, multi-faith Britain. Every member of our school family is valued.
ESTYN noted the excellence of our ethos and asked us to write a Case Study to share with other schools. Ethical, informed citizenship grows at Clytha.
Inclusion and Equality is held in the highest regard and expectation in our Behaviour and Equalities Policies.
The school is committed to race equality by promoting positive approaches to difference and fostering respect for people of all backgrounds. The school is opposed to all forms of racial prejudice and discrimination. Language or behaviour that is racist or potentially damaging to any ethnic or racial group will not be tolerated and will be challenged. The Local Authority requires us to record and notify them of all equality related incidents in order for them to monitor incidents across the city.
Looked After Children
We work in partnership with Newport City Council, and other local councils, and as corporate parents we have a duty to safeguard and promote the education of Looked After Children. We aim to provide a safe and secure environment, where there is belief in the abilities and potential of all children, including those who are looked after. We support our Looked After Children and give them equal access to every opportunity to achieve their potential and to enjoy learning. Miss Kay Morgan is the designated person responsible for promoting the educational achievement of Looked After Children.